The answer is that evolution is a sloppy and haphazard process. Take a close look at your body and you'll see some of the leftover junk. Like...


But mostly when scared and 11.
But Why?
Ever see the fur on the back of a scared or angry animal suddenly stand straight up?

Like this.
Goosebumps raise the hairs on an animals for two main reasons. First, if the animal is scared, its hair stands on end to appear bigger which might be enough to make a predator change their mind about going after it.

Above: not bear-food.

For... um, warmth.
Flinching When You Hear High-Pitched Sounds

We warned you.

"On a scale from one to Ke$ha"
But Why?
We may never know this one for sure, but researchers noted that the frequency of nails on a chalkboard matches up with the warning cries of a macaque monkey. Since group-warning systems were a powerful defense in our early evolution--that's part of the advantage of living in groups, after all--this could be a leftover from before our warning calls became the more descriptive and sophisticated, "Holy shit, guys, there is a tiger coming." Now that we think of it, listen to the sound a shrieking female victim in a slasher movie makes right before she takes a knife to the eyeball. Tell us that scream doesn't hit something close to that same frequency.
It's also been theorized that those high-pitched sounds may be similar to those made by one of our chief predators from back in those days...

A Third Eyelid

Head to the nearest mirror and check that shit out, we'll wait.

"How you doin'?"
Sharks use them to protect their eyes from their prey, which no doubt will splash about in terror. Other creatures that live or spend much of their lives in water use them to flush out whatever annoying particles float into their eyeballs. It's useful to birds when they want to feed their young but, at the same time, not get their eyes poked out by their hungry beaks. It's also helpful if you're a peregrine falcon and want to go into a 200 mile-per-hour free fall without little bits of shit in the air flying into your eyeball at that speed.

This is why cars have windshields.
As for us humans, obviously you can't use whatever is left of your membrane for any of those things. The muscles that control them have degraded to the point where they're practically non-existent. Who knows how far back this vestigial feature could go in our evolution but by the time we started to lose the ability to use it, it was really only good for keeping the gunk out of our eyes. That and staring contests.
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Judul: The 5 Strangest Things Evolution Left in Your Body |
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