centuries, perhaps even millennia, people have been finding weird
skulls and strange artefacts that they cannot easily explain. These
range from gold coins embedded in coal to complicated tools such as the
Antikythera Mechanism. The same is true for skull bones and there have
been many discovered that challenge the perception of human
evolution. The fairly recent archaeological discovery of miniature
human bones on the Indonesian Island of Flores has lead to the
establishment of a new, if contentious, species of human – Homo
Floresiensis. In South America scientists have revealed many strange
bones and elongated skulls and in North America a small foundation has
been established to study the mysterious Starchild Skull. As with any
somewhat controversial topic the subject matter attracts strong views
from those who support the associated findings and those that dispute
them. This page is an introduction to some of the weird skull
artefacts and bones that have been revealed as well as some of the
debate that surrounds their authenticity.
There have been several reports of vampire skulls
being unearthed with the most recent taking place in Venice, Italy.
During the first quarter of 2009 a team of archaeologists were
excavating a mass burial pit on the island of Lazzaretto Nuovo when
they unearthed a female skull with a slab of rock forced into her
mouth. This was a typical burial for a suspected vampire and was
supposed to prevent the creature rising from the dead. The skull and
associated bones were in keeping with a normal human physiology and
displayed none of the physical characteristics associated with the
modern perception of vampires. However, a more intriguing story is that
of the Andover Skull. The information is sketchy but the basis of
the story is that at sometime during the 1950’s a newly married couple,
Mr F and Mrs B Morris, moved to Andover Massachusetts in the USA.
Is this weird and vertically elongated Skull
the one from Andover? Real or Hoax - We're not sure but it's a fantastic
picture. |
were disappointed to discover the house they had purchased had not
been fully emptied and that the attic remained stacked with books,
broken furniture and other such possessions. A year or so after moving
in Mrs Morris finally decided to empty to attic and, in the process,
found a heavy wooden box which had been nailed shut. That evening her
husband opened the box with a claw-hammer and together they discovered a
large and disturbing skull. It had unusually big eye sockets and
several pieces of the bone cranium were broken. There were strange
carvings on the front left of the skull but the most interesting part
of the discovery were its canine teeth which were strangely elongated.
Overall the skull was larger than an average human’s and had a
distinctive domed forehead. Mr Morris glued the skull fragments
together and apparently kept it in his study where he would show it to
curious friends and visitors. After some months Mrs Morris became
distressed by its presence and insisted that it be reburied as she had
convinced herself that it was demonic or at least the skull of a
powerful Indian medicine man. Instead, he allegedly took the skull to
a nearby Museum of Archaeology which specialised in Native American
history. (If you have any more information on this skull we’d
appreciate hearing from you. Please e-mail: content@aquiziam.com)
Cranium of the Starchild widely available on the internet Note the close set eyes and low retinal nerve. Discovered in el Paso |
Of all the skulls featured here, the “Starchild” is probably the
most controversial one discovered if only because of its widespread
publicity. In brief, the original skull, which is estimated to be 900
years old, was discovered by an American teenage girl near the Copper
Canyon district of Sierra Tarahumara in the south west of Chihuahua
State, Mexico. After her death in 1990 the skull came into the
possession of El Paso residents, Ray and Melanie Young in 1998. They
sought the advice of Mr. Lloyd Pye who is often described as a
researcher into the alternative. Shortly afterwards he established the
Starchild Project to better understand the skull. There is no doubt
that the skull is real. The bone is thinner than average and
although it appears to belong to a four or five year old child the
cranial capacity is 1600cc which is 200cc more than your average adult
human. DNA testing has revealed that it has both the X and Y human
chromosome which seems to indicate that it is human. However,
proponents of alternate theories suggest that it could be the child of a
human-alien hybrid itself. According to the Starchild Project they
refute that the DNA from both parents was easily identified and suggest
that the father's DNA was something other than ordinary.
Two distinct schools of thought regarding the
specimen have emerged. One group see it as evidence of various
theories ranging from alien-human hybrids to proof of an alternative
evolution. The other group believe that the skull is nothing more than
a natural deformity possibly caused by brachycephaly, Crouzon syndrome
or some other natural genetic mutation. Both groups’ present
compelling evidence and it is definitely worth understanding both sides
of the story before making up your own mind. |
The image to the right is from the limestone carving called the
"Relief of a Royal Couple" and is believed to depict Nefertiti an
Egyptian queen and is from the 18th Dynasty circa 1330BC. It is on
display in the Altes museum in Berlin - Germany. Nefertiti was the
wife of Akhenaton the Egyptian Pharaoh who strangely forced many social
and religious changes on his subjects including the concept of Sun or
Star worship. It would seem that Nefertiti was exceptionally beautiful
and had many otherworldly qualities including a significantly
elongated skull. In all artworks she is either shown with an elaborate
headdress or with a elongated skull. Apparently this characteristic
was inherited by her daughters who are depicted in the same manner.
For many years Egyptologists have dismissed this attribute as artistic
license but it has become ever more obvious and accepted that the
ancient artists depicted their subjects as they really appeared. If
this is true then the Egyptian queen not only had a very unusual
cranial structure but it was at least 50% larger than that of the
average human being thus ruling out simple head-binding practices.
Queen Nefertiti - 18th Dynasty - 3300 years old
Please note the elongated head and neck.
This has fueled speculation
that there may be some truth in the “Seeded World Theory”. In brief
this theory suggests that billions of years ago “life” was introduced to
worlds that had a suitable environment to support it. This life all
shares a similar DNA structure and that from time-to-time civilisations
emerge with the technological capability to visit these seeded worlds
and update the genome through the deliberate introduction of compatible
DNA. It seems farfetched but not impossible and it would explain so
much. After all, there is still no solid science to explain how and
why the universe actually exists at all. (Yes ... this is actually true.
Feel free to do the deep research yourself.) If the depictions of
Nefertiti are accurate then this woman was probably very smart and
certainly not your average person. We’ll leave you to work out your
own conclusions.
Weird elongated Inca skull discovered in Peru possibly created by head binding - quite common. |
The harsh fact is that the human brain and skull has increased
faster in size than the female pelvis. Incredibly fast! Put simply, the
average human baby’s head is now too big and requires extreme physical
contortion and rotation to achieve a natural birth. (Of all the facts
that we present you on the Aquiziam website – this is the one that is
the most important. Evolution does not usually make this kind of
mistake. Currently one in three children born in Canada and the United
States is delivered via Caesarean section. How could this have
happened?) Giving birth is an extremely painful episode for most
women and is almost unique to humans. Most other creatures on this
planet do not seem to experience the same degree of discomfort. This
is an extremely important clue to the origin of our species that is
embarrassingly overlooked by most of the scientists that study
evolution. Still, as a result, life has ensured that foetal skulls are
soft and pliable to allow them to pass through the bony ring of the
pelvis and the vaginal canal. It is not uncommon for children to be
born with cone shaped heads that quite quickly readjust to the
appropriate shape.
However, in many ancient
cultures it became the practice to bind the infant’s head with cloths
and wooden slats for a period of between six months to one year to
create a shape that was socially acceptable and tribally recognisable.
In a sense it was a primitive ID card that said you belonged to the
“pick-your-name” tribe for now and forever. This practice resulted in a
wide variety of misshapen cranial structures that still baffle modern
science particularly as in some cases the volume of the brain-chamber
has also been increased. This practice may have also stimulated
some unforeseen side-effects. By changing the geometry of the skull it may
have been possible to change the functioning of the brain. Today it
would be considered extreme to carry out this practice and as a result
it is almost never done. We cannot tell what psychological changes it
might have created. Did it increase intelligence? Did it stimulate
paranormal abilities? Did it emulate an entity that was perceived as a
God? There must have been some benefit or it would not have been
carried out in the first place. Archaeologists have discovered many
dozens of elongated skulls from both Egypt and South America.
Interestingly, these regions both had a fascination with the
construction of pyramids, the stars, calendars, mummification and
death. Both societies also had complex agricultural secrets and a
powerful priesthood. We don’t know what this means and are reluctant
to add yet another theory but it should make you stop and think – if
only for a moment.
In 2003 a team of researchers decided to explore and conduct
excavations in the Liang Bua Cave on the Island of Flores which is part
of the Indonesian chain. To their surprise they quickly discovered the
almost complete skeleton of a tiny hominid (ancient human). The
height of the adult female skeleton was approximately 3 ft 6 in and
displayed many characteristics that indicated that a new species of
human had been located. This was reinforced by the simultaneous
discovery of tools and artefacts consistent with the size of
skeletons. There were also indications that the “little People” had
used fire and had hunted a range of now extinct animals including giant
rats and miniature elephants known as Dwarf Stegodon. The cranium
has a sloping forehead and no specific bone-based chin although it
does have human-like teeth and all indications are that it walked
upright. Although there is still some
controversy over whether Homo Floresiensis in a new species or is just a
variation of modern humans or perhaps Homo Erectus, there is no doubt
that a strange population of human-like creatures once lived on the
Homo Floresiensis or Flores man.
A weird find that may rewrite the archeological record. |
In fact, according to local
legends there still references to tribes of “little people” that live
deep in the forests. The skull is much smaller than that of a modern
human but the prefrontal cortex is still the same size as modern human
beings indicating a high degree of intelligence and self-awareness.
Many researchers into Homo Floresiensis go to great lengths to explain
that these people were not pygmies or dwarfs they were something
unique. As such, they have been given the nickname – hobbits – after
the famous Halfling folk from the Lord of the Rings trilogy written by
J. R. R. Tolkien (1954).
The weird Crystal Skull on display in the British Museum. Discovered by Eugène Bobaneird. |
Whilst most of the serious scientific community agree that the
crystal skulls on display in various museums and private collections
are not pre-Columbian artefacts and were made between the 18th and 19th
centuries, there may be some deeper aspects that remain uncertain.
To start with, scientific testing is based on the body of knowledge
available at the time of the test. For example, should a new (and
similar) skull be discovered in a well documented excavation it would
provide the scientific community with a new perspective to consider? The
most common challenge to the authenticity of the skulls is the
evidence that they appear to have been made with fairly modern tools
which were not available to the Aztec pre-Columbians.
However, this also makes the assumption that simply because they have
not been found such tools they never existed. A simple study of
paleontology clearly shows that all the fossils ever found probably
represent less than 0.1 percent of the bio-diversity that has existed
in the past. Still, it is probably likely that the skulls of which we
are aware are best viewed as modern creations.
However, there has also been
some speculation that these crystal skulls were all modeled on an
earlier skull that was remarkably detailed and that had been taken from
the body of a fallen god. It is this theme that is explored in the
very popular film released in 2008 “Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull.”
Given the trade in real and fake pre-Columbian artefacts that emerged
in the 1870’s and 1880’s it is possible that such a skull existed or
the story was a popular myth amongst traders in central and South
American antiquities. Whatever the true origins of the crystal skulls
they remain on display in respectable museums and continue to fascinate
There are numerous accounts of human beings with horns.
Unfortunately, many of them are poorly documented and even worse, the
possession of the artefacts has been mismanaged to the extent that the
records become very questionable. Still, there is definitively a
powerful socio-genetic memory of human-like creatures with horns and
they are usually depicted as evil or at the very least, powerful and
destructive. Satan is the most obvious example but many demons, giants,
biblical creatures, shamans, witch doctors, the Minotaur and
(possibly) mythical creatures such as dragons all had horns. The
unicorn is the exception ... although it is also said to have a
fascination with young virgins which is a bit odd when you think about
it. The main source of the belief in real horned skulls comes from an
entry in the book, Mysteries of the Unexplained published by Readers
Digest in the 1990’s. The section refers to the discovery of a number
of skulls that clearly had horns projecting above their eyebrows.
Basically, the skulls were supposed to have been found by reputable
people in a burial mound in Sayre, Bradford County, Pennsylvania, in
1880. Unfortunately, the original story was exaggerated by the press
who confused a statement about individuals that had been buried with
deer horns. It was 1916 after all.
Fake picture of a weird horned skull.
Still the belief persists and who knows the truth? |
The story re-emerged on the
internet as early as 1996 and has been the mainstay of the horned-skull
belief for well over a decade. There are also many references on the
internet to a horned-skull on display in the London Museum. Well ...
we went there and looked for it and couldn’t find it. Maybe it’s in a secret room. The picture to the right and above is a fake. It’s quite a good fake and we fully expect to find it at the heart of some horned-skulls proof a few years from now. Still, it’s a fake created with the help of Adobe Photoshop.
It’s also worth noting that “freak shows were once a popular form of
entertainment and unfortunate people with rare skull deformities (such
as The Elephant Man) were displayed to the general public.
Unscrupulous carnival owners would have amazing artefacts manufactured
and horned skulls were popular. If you sift through the internet
you will find quite a few pictures and descriptions of people with
horns. Unfortunately, it is very hard to know if they too are real or
not. We’ve included this section on horned skulls not because there is
significant proof of their existence but because so many people truly
seem to believe that they have existed at some point in the past.
The skull of a large neanderthal alongside a contemporary human skull - a giant indeed. |
Over the years archaeologists and
explorers have discovered many unusually large skulls that have
intrigued scientists from around the world. These giants may have
simply been human anomalies or may represent a branch of anthropology
that remains a mystery. It is worth noting that there are various
medical conditions that can cause “Giantism” or more correctly,
Gigantism. Pituitary Gigantism is the most common and is caused when
the when an excess of growth hormone is released during puberty.
However, skulls from people afflicted with this condition tend to
display characteristics that can fairly easily identify this as the
cause. Some of the giant skulls discovered are also simply explained
as being those of the Neanderthal species of human beings (Homo Sapiens Neanderthalensis)
that became extinct approximately 15,000 years ago. Still, there are
other skulls that defy such simple analysis. Two cases stand out and
are worth mentioning even though one may well be a hoax. The first is
the Lovelock cave find. In 1911 a team of guano miners, who where
excavating the cave, began to unearth various Native American bones and
remains. Archaeological teams were brought in and over the next 15
years various mummies and skeletal remains were discovered.
From various bones, and
particularly the femurs, it was concluded that the average height of
the buried skeletons was ten feet tall. Many of the bones were sent to
scientists and educational institutions and over the course of time
have become lost. However, some of the finds, including a giant skull,
can still be viewed at the Humboldt Museum in Winnemucca in the state
of Nevada. The second case refers to the discovery of a truly
giant skeleton by an oil exploration team in Saudi Arabia in 2002.
Apparently this being was 25ft tall and had a skull that was nearly 5ft
in length. According to internet rumour the find was hushed-up by the
Saudi authorities who immediately distributed fake photos through a
Photoshop competition that created such confusion that nobody really
has any idea whether this was a real occurrence or a hoax. However, it
is important to note that Bedouin legend does make reference to such a
race naming them as being of the Aad or Hood nation. (If you’re
interested in finding out more about this skull and skeleton simply
Google “Saudi Arabia Giant Skeleton” and decide for yourself.)
Legends of weird giants are common in almost every part of the world.
They range from those of merely tall people to truly gigantic beings
that can move mountains. (Shrewsbury Giant) This is clearly a shared
belief-memory that deserves more investigation. At the time of
writing the tallest, scientifically recorded, man was Robert Pershing
Wadlow who was 9ft 11in. His skull was 36% larger than that of his
father. Another recent giant was Anna Haining Bates who reached 7.5ft
in height and had a cranial capacity 22% larger than her father.
Records indicate that she was extremely intelligent.
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